The right way to Close Avast Without Uninstalling It

Avast is a great antivirus system that can protect you from malicious websites, spyware, and other threats. Yet , it can also be annoying and slow your personal computer down. Thankfully, you can close Avast without getting rid of it.

You can do this by disabling the self-defense module, cleaning out Avast in the system holder, or closing all Avast procedures that are running. If you do actions, Avast will no longer run in the back and refuses to interrupt your computer activities.

Step 1 : Wide open Avast and go to the settings menu. Click the “Troubleshooting” tab inside the left steering column.

If you’re applying Avast in Windows, you can disable it is self-defense system by right-clicking the system tray icon and selecting ‘Settings’ from the pop-up menu.

This will stop Avast from aiming to run in the back and prevent that from obstructing your favorite websites or causing your PC to run slower. You may choose to turn off the self-defense mechanism just for 10 minutes or without doing awkward exorcizes, depending on the needs you have.

Note that devastating Avast’s self-defense components is a risky move, as it might leave your pc vulnerable to trojans. That’s why it is important to only accomplish this method if you have no other available choices, and only at the time you trust the website that you’re going to.

You can also stop Avast via scanning your files simply by creating exceptions that name file spots and website URLs that will not be scanned. You can make these conditions in Avast’s general preferences or perhaps in the Blocked & Allowed apps section.

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